(可介绍现主要研究方向、主持科研项目、代表论文或其他科研成果、著作等) 一、主要研究方向(简短介绍): 先进纤维素功能材料开发;高性能特种纸研发;顶空气相色谱分析 二、主持科研项目: (1)贵州省青年科技人才成长项目, 黔教合TY[2022]187号, 贵州低阶煤煤层气含量评价方法的创新性研究, 2021-12 至 2024-12, 在研, 主持 (2)贵州民族大学自然科学基金项目, GZMU2019YB06, 基于顶空分析技术评价煤层气含量数学模型的研究, 2020-01 至 2022-12, 结题 主持 (3)云南恩典科技有限公司, 横向课题, 2020-04 至 2021-11, 结题, 主持 三、代表论文 [1] Liu XueYan; Li Wei; Yu Kang; Fan ZhiYu; Luo Bin; Nie DengPan; Luo YingChun; Dai Yi; Wang Hao ; Determination of carbonate content in barite ore by headspace gas chromatography, Journal of Separation Science, 2022, 46: 2200656-2200662 [2] Dai Yi D ; Yu ZhenHua; Wang Hao; Zhan JianBo; Xie Jiao; Yue BaoShan; Chai XinSheng ; Quantitative determination of the oleophobicity of food packaging paper using headspace gas chromatographic technique, packaging technology and science, 2021, 20: 1-6 [3] Dai Yi D ; Yu ZhenHua; Zhan JianBo; Yue BaoShan; Xie Jiao; Wang Hao; Chai XinSheng ; Determination of starch gelatinization temperatures by an automated headspace gas chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, 2019, 1602: 419-424 [4] Dai Yi D ; Yu ZhenHua; Zhan JianBo; Yue BaoShan; Xie Jiao; Wang Hao; Chai XinSheng ; Determination of the softening point of rosin by a simple and automated headspace gas chromatographic technique, Journal of Separation Science, 2018, 41: 3411-3414 [5] Dai Yi D ; Yu ZhenHua; Zhan JianBo; Chai XinSheng; Zhang ShuXin; Xie WeiQi; He Liang ; A pressure-affected headspace-gas chromatography method for determining calcium carbonate content in paper sample, Journal of Chromatography A, 2017, 1507: 32-36 四、其他科研成果 (1)发明专利2项,新型专利7项,软件著作权6项。 |